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For Sales: 763.219.1198
We offer a wide range of support through our managed network and infrastructure services such as WANs, LANs, and various connections for businesses to operate at peak performance. We setup Onsite Infrastructure with a practical computer network structure and diagrams, hardware, and software that are cost-efficient, reliable and effective in addressing today's diverse needs.
Managed Security
In today’s world, where so much technology is at your fingertips (literally), security is a very important consideration for any business of any size. Stay two steps ahead to defend your company and image, that’s the burden of operating a successful business. We can ensure your company safer with the range of security management and risk prevention services covers from Backup and Disaster Recovery (BDR) solution to software patching, anti-malware, maintenance, and application compatibility.
Managed Wireless and Mobile Computing
Managed wireless and mobile computing allow users to access data and information from wherever they are. Data, Voice, and Video are transports over the network via a mobile device, and your users can connect from any locations.
Our services connect businesses through satellite or wireless communications that enable networks. Remember using these services saves time and enhances productivity, no location constraints, and provides excellent entertainment.
managed Communication Services
AIGC provides simple solutions for your business communication needs. We offer a range of communications infrastructures such as VoIP, Video, message software, and data. The speed of businesses today demands effective communications to meet up global standards. Businesses can swiftly move to adopt Managed Communication Service that gives them the business edge to perform in the ever-increasing competitive environment.
managed print service (mps)
We help businesses optimize print fleet to save time, improve efficiency, save money on print, streamline of office workflow, improve security, and also increases control of enterprise printer jobs with better print job delivery. Our offer manage all aspects of business printing devices such as printers, scanners, faxes, and copiers.